Saturday, 21. July 2007

Exorzismus (Spanien; 17. Jahrhundert)

"The devil never fell into worse hands than Father Olavida's, for when he was so contumacious as to resist Latin, and even the first verses of the Gospel of St John in Greek, which the good Father never had recourse to but in cases of extreme stubbornness and difficulty [...] then he always applied to the Inquisition; and if the devils were ever so obstinate before, they were always seen to fly out of the possessed, just as, in the midst of their cries, (no doubt of blasphemy), they were tied to the stake. Some held out even till the flames surrounded them; but even the most stubborn must have been dislodged when the operation was over, for the devil himself could no longer tenant a crisp and glutinous lump of cinders."

Charles Robert Maturin, Melmoth the Wanderer, Chap. III (Penguin Classics p.38)

Lachen, auch wenns nicht witzig ist

Ein Artikel zu den Ursprüngen des Lachens

"As his research progressed, Provine began to suspect that laughter was in fact about something else—not humor or gags or incongruity but our social interactions. He found support for this assumption in a study that had already been conducted, one analyzing people’s laughing patterns in social and solitary contexts. “You’re 30 times more likely to laugh when you’re with other people than you are when you’re alone..."

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ich verstehe diesen eintrag...
ich verstehe diesen eintrag noch immer nicht...
roland_and_his_burning_nose - 27. Apr, 21:26
dort gibt es zweifellos...
dort gibt es zweifellos weiße anzüge, hawaiihemden,...
syro0 - 18. Dec, 13:00
2009 wird ein Abba museum...
2009 wird ein Abba museum mit ca. 750 erinnerungsstücken...
turntable - 17. Dec, 22:29
polyphon sogar: ich bemerke...
polyphon sogar: ich bemerke erst jetzt einen gewissen...
syro0 - 26. Nov, 15:56
diesem Hausverstand pfeift...
diesem Hausverstand pfeift doch das schwein! grüße:-)
turntable - 25. Nov, 23:11
très charmant
très charmant
gizzy duststar - 17. Nov, 20:25
roland_and_his_burning_nose - 11. Nov, 18:41
danke für die ehre, welche...
danke für die ehre, welche mir zuteil wird. grüße
turntable - 2. Nov, 17:02


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