pru:nz ən(d) prizəm

'I think, father, I require a little time.'
'Papa is a preferable mode of address,' observed Mrs General. 'Father is rather vulgar, my dear. The word Papa, besides, gives a pretty form to the lips. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes, and prism are all very good words for the lips: especially prunes and prism. You will find it serviceable, in the formation of a demeanour, if you sometimes say to yourself in company--on entering a room, for instance-- Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, prunes and prism.'

Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit Ch. 5
mart - 30. Aug, 22:00


diefrogg - 31. Aug, 22:41

This is a...

paralipomenon, I take it.

syro0 - 1. Sep, 12:21

There once was a scholar named D'Arcy,
Who refuted a theory by Larcy,
Pointing out: "Have a look
At my venerable book,
Says you're wrong in the Paralipomena, see?"
diefrogg - 6. Sep, 11:54

Man sollte...

Mr D'Arcy (oder Darcy) eben nie unterschätzen. Das wusste schon sein bester Freund, Mr Bingley. "On the strength of regard, Bingley had the firmest reliance, and of his judgment the highest opinion. In understanding Darcy was the superior. Bingley was by no means deficient, but Darcy was clever. He was at the same time haughty, reserved an fastidious, and his manners, though well bred, were not inviting. In that respect his friend had greatly the advantage. Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared. Darcy was continually giving offence." (Aus der Mutter alles Weiberschmonzetten: Jane Austen: "Pride and Prejudice", Penguin 1972, p64)
syro0 - 6. Sep, 14:27

chapeau. ein schönes zitat.

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ich verstehe diesen eintrag...
ich verstehe diesen eintrag noch immer nicht...
roland_and_his_burning_nose - 27. Apr, 21:26
dort gibt es zweifellos...
dort gibt es zweifellos weiße anzüge, hawaiihemden,...
syro0 - 18. Dec, 13:00
2009 wird ein Abba museum...
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turntable - 17. Dec, 22:29
polyphon sogar: ich bemerke...
polyphon sogar: ich bemerke erst jetzt einen gewissen...
syro0 - 26. Nov, 15:56
diesem Hausverstand pfeift...
diesem Hausverstand pfeift doch das schwein! grüße:-)
turntable - 25. Nov, 23:11
très charmant
très charmant
gizzy duststar - 17. Nov, 20:25
roland_and_his_burning_nose - 11. Nov, 18:41
danke für die ehre, welche...
danke für die ehre, welche mir zuteil wird. grüße
turntable - 2. Nov, 17:02


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